11th Technology Forum

exanta team News | Apr 23 2024

11th Technology Forum

Pavlos Sermpezis (exanta’s co-founder) will present “exanta’s innovative advanced sales forecasting solution” that won the first prize in the last year’s Confluence Challenge, during the 11th Technology Forum on April 25th 2024, 12.00hrs.

A few words about 11th Technology Forum

In the modern economic environment, competitiveness relies upon the development of innovative products. Knowledge combined with the right technological tools is a key element in the process of developing innovative products & services. Knowledge of such tools exists in both industrial bodies (ΙCΤ & other industries) as well as in research organizations (Universities & Research Centres).

Therefore, their collaboration is important towards developing innovative products with an international perspective. In this context, 19 bodies have joined forces to organize a series of congresses under the name “Technology Forum”.

You can find out more here. Check out the Technology Forum’s Program here.

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